Over the past two years, media outlets have reported that Honda CR-V is the most stolen vehicle in Canada.
For my wife, her CR-V wasn’t stolen to be sold on the black market, but the ability to drive it was stolen from her when she learned that she had Alzheimer’s disease. According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, 350 Canadians are diagnosed with a form of dementia every day. That means that hundreds are having to surrender their car keys and give up the freedoms that driving offers. It’s a devastaing life transition for the patient and for their loved ones.
The car my wife purchased is still a part of our lives. It is a reminder of her past, but also a reminder of the condition that she lives with every day.
The photos “From the Passenger Seat” were taken by wife using a Fuji Instax camera. The images contrast greatly with the precision control and detail used in the staged portraits I have taken with a high-resolution digital camera in the series “Out of the Driver’s Seat“.
I hope the images make you think about the impact of Alzheimer’s and dementia-type diseases on households. I also hope that the project inspires you to donate to fund research and support programs.